
A Tellabration ™ of Podcasts

the storytelling festival for the digital age

A Tellabration ™ of Podcasts is Now Live!

This cooperative project, featuring 10 podcasters, is now live on the No Extra Words podcast. Click on the logo below to check it out.


Thanks to all who participated in Tellabration 2016. Where will the meeting of storytelling and podcasting go from here? Keep listening.

Podcasters: Don’t Procrastinate!


Ten podcasts and counting are part of Tellabration ™ 2016 at the time of this writing, and there is room for your show. Record your story and send it to us today!

Some themes that are emerging will feel familiar to many podcasters:

  • Community: who you create with and for, the relationships you build
  • Real-life: who you are, your raw story
  • Niche: those specialty areas in which podcasters live and work. What are the stories of those topics?

If this is your story or if your story is something totally different, share it with us. But hurry…time is running out! Submissions need to be in tomorrow.

We Are the Storytellers: answers to your questions plus a sample story

Tell me

A Tellabration of Podcasts is still looking for podcast contributors. If you have sent your audio, thank you so much. If you have not, good news: we are accepting these through September 30 and have lots of space available.

To help get your creative juices flowing, I created this sample story to give you a sense of what we are looking for. I also have some answers to your questions:


Question: Can I participate if I don’t have a storytelling podcast?

Somehow, in podcasting, “storytelling” has come to mean a particular kind of heavily edited documentary style show a la NPR. If you have one of those, awesome. But there is more than one kind of storytelling. As the sample story is meant to demonstrate, there is room for us all under the heading of storytelling, and no matter the topic or style of your show I bet you are out there telling stories. So yes!


Question: Are you super strict about the four minutes? How can I possibly fit my story into that?

Four minutes is the average length of a story on No Extra Words. The limit comes from this being a No Extra Words production…short is what we do here! Keeping your story short makes room for the stories of others and helps us to create a collage of story. So yes, I’m pretty strict about it. That said, if you run to four minutes two seconds I’m probably not going to cut you. Just aim for four minutes.


Question: Tell me again about the timeline and deadlines.

Our deadline for podcasters to submit audio is September 30, which happens to be International Podcast Day, but the release of the put together Tellabration ™ Special is scheduled for November 19, which is the day of the international Tellabration ™ celebration. If you want to participate send audio by September 30 and expect a release of everyone’s stories in November.


Question: Can I just send you the promo to my show?

You can if your promo tells a story, but try to think beyond that. Of course a big goal of this is to promote your show, but promos tend to be big picture, talking about your whole show, whereas good stories live in the details. So focus on a particular piece, like how you got your name or met your co-host or the story of one special episode or guest. Don’t worry. You do a good job telling your story and people who are interested will find you.


Keep the questions and audio clips coming…we love to hear from you!

We Need Podcasters! How to Participate

For an audio version of this announcement

Podcasters big and small are invited to share a story with us. This can be your origin story, a story about your niche, the story of an episode or interview or listener, or any story relevant to your show. You can be as creative as you’d like. Remember, the focus is on telling a good tale.

Record your audio in .mp3 format and send it to Four minutes or less, please! Be sure to include in your audio the name(s) of the storyteller(s) and the name of your show, and be sure to follow the following rules:

  1. One piece of audio per show.
  2. Clean content only. (Explicit shows welcome, but your four minutes of audio must be clean.)
  3. Respect all copyright and fair use laws.
  4. By sending your audio, you certify that you represent your show, so check with your co-host(s) and co-producer(s) if applicable.
  5. Your audio must be received by International Podcast Day, September 30, 2016.
  6. If you have any questions, please email and ask.

That’s it! As long as you follow the rules, the production style and content is totally up to you. You can be simple or elaborate, exaggerate or stick to history, whatever works for you and your show. The important thing is to tell a good story!

As many of these as possible will be used in the Podcaster’s Tellabration episode of the No Extra Words podcast, which is scheduled to be released on November 19, 2016. Audio may be used in other ways as part of Tellabration! ™ 2016.

Happy storytelling!

What’s a Tellabration, Anyway?

Tellabration ™, which goes back to 1988, is a worldwide festival of storytelling, bringing tellers together to share story, build community, and benefit the craft of storytelling. It is generally an in-person event, sometimes a formal performance and sometimes a casual evening of stories. The goal of this project is to bring Tellabration to the digital world where podcasts of all sizes and stripes are doing creative, innovative, and imaginative storytelling. Tellabration is traditionally opened with this Proclamation:

In the name of storytelling

Saturday, November 19th

Is hereby proclaimed to be


The Worldwide Event of Storytelling

At this very moment

Across six continents

In 40 states

And nine countries

From Sacramento to Savannah

Boise to Barcelona

West Virginia to West Indies

and across the globe at

Over 300 audiences are gathered for

This spectacular storytelling event!

Without further delay,

In joy and anticipation…

Let the stories begin!

International Podcast Day and an Invitation

International Podcast Day is the day set aside not to promote your own podcast, but to promote the idea of podcasting. You are invited to celebrate by participating in a special podcast storytelling event. IT DOES NOT DO TO DWELL ON DREAMS,

Storytelling isn’t new. The way we do it might be, but the art of sharing story hasn’t changed. Right now, podcasters all over the world are sharing stories. They are talking about the origins of business, about the phases of parenting, about what a health condition does and what bringing under control can do. They are sharing the stories of history and pop culture and true crime and the everyday. They are speaking with passion about how they found their passions. They are telling stories.

On November 19th, storytellers will gather all around the world for Tellabration, the international festival of storytelling. We invite podcasters to come together to tell their stories, and those who listen to find some new stories, too. Join us, won’t you? Your story needs to be told.

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